Monday, April 30, 2018

Making Plans

I'm a day late for my usual update, but I just ran out of time on Sunday. Too much to do! Anyway, it's all good, cuz today was the last day for my rotation on A Stitcher's Prayer:
My goal was to get her halfway done, and I think I just about made it. I wish I could have filled in the details on my little stitcher lady, but again, I ran out of time! Hopefully I can finish this the next time I pick it up, but I don't think that will be this year. ;)

I took a couple days off work last week, and realized I hadn't touched my Angel of Grace yet this year. So that had to change:
This piece is really addictive once I get going. I was glad to carve out a few days to sit and stitch on her, but of course I'm never satisfied with my progress. I really wanted to finish a few more chunks of green and fill out that ribbon. But oh well. She has to go away for now, but she will be back, hopefully sooner rather than later.

Stitching on Grace cut into my time for Luna, but she's getting there. I've passed the halfway point for this page, and have stitched the cutest little curlicue in her hair:
Isn't that adorable? I just love it. I had hoped to finish this page in May, but now that's looking doubtful. Still, I'll give it a try. :)

It looks like I got my wish for colors on my Temperature charts. Lots of yellow! We've warmed up nicely (finally!) so my charts are looking much happier:
Today is the last day of April (already!) and I know I'll get to stitch orange for today. We're having a small heat wave, so I'll probably have another blob of orange to start off May. Not complaining though! Much better than snow! :)

I know everyone is talking about Stitch Maynia, so I thought I would kind of participate this year. I'm not doing 15 starts though! Instead I'm doing the Monogamous Maynia, where I'll attempt to stitch on one chart for 15 days. That's really tough for me, so we'll see how that goes. I've chosen the Museum Celle 1826 Sampler by Permin, which I've been dying to start for almost five years now, so I'm really excited to begin this piece. Here's a pic of the chart:

Also, I'll have a new big piece to focus on for May, and I've chosen Wisdom. I was really close to a page finish last year, so that will be some instant gratification waiting for me. I'm kind of playing with my rotation a bit, so we'll see how it goes.

Okay, gotta get back to stitching now. Until next time! :)

1 comment:

  1. Lovely work on all your projects =) I always love to see Luna, she is soooo pretty =) I think you did an awesome job on A Stitchers Prayer and Angel of Grace =)
    I think I am doing some of Maynia this year. In Germany, we have some holidays in May (1st, 10th, 21st and 31st - I love this month) and I think I am going to start something new on each of these days ;-) The idea of sticking to a project for 15 days sounds good and I am looking forward to a big bunch of progress on those two projects =)
