Whew! I did not expect to be gone for two months, but as the title implies, it seems I have been doing everything except stitching lately. Yarn is mostly to blame for this -- at least for June. I've kinda caught the knitting bug, and have been keeping my needles moving, just not the right ones. (Yup, that was a pun. Sorry.) May was, as always, a jumble of a month for me, but I did manage one week of stitching, all of it on Moon Indigo. It was meager progress, but I still like to stare at her wistfully and dream...
Moon Indigo, where I left off in April |
May's meager progress |
I was hoping for a page finish, but it just wasn't meant to be. Getting close, though. Unfortunately, she has been set aside for now (but she'll be back later this year, I promise!).
June was a pathetic month for my stitching. I only managed one day, a whopping 175 stitches on Scale, which is
still begging for a page finish. But I'm really really hoping (fingers and toes crossed!) that this will be the month! I'm already halfway there, so I really don't have an excuse. Here's where she's at now:
Scale, as of July 6 |
She's looking kinda strange, I know, but the rest of that space is her actual eye. It's gonna be weird watching it fill in, but beautiful at the same time. So here goes! Cheer me on! Hopefully I can bug you with more meager progress next week. :)
That's really all I've done for stitching since Spring. Terrible, I know, but I've been completely obsessed with yarn to a hazardous degree, as it's now filling every available space in my house. I don't have much to show for it yet, as I'm still pretty slow and easily distracted, but here is my first finished hat, though it hasn't been blocked yet...
Here's the crown. Pretty fancy, eh? |
I must say, this turned my on to hats, so I've even started another one. Not quite done, but getting there.
My hats, side by side |
I'm working on a cardigan (for my mother, if it fits her) but that will take me a long while yet. Eventually I hope to make a few scarves and shawls as well. Gotta do something with all this yarn. :)
Something else I wanted to share with you, especially for HAED fans, and definitely for art fans. Every May here in Kansas City, there's a big art fair, called
Spectrum Fantastic Arts Live. This was its fourth year here. I've been every year, and plan to keep going. This year was a little different, but still great, as many awesome artists were there, several of whom have charts on HAED. And you get to meet them in person! Annie Stegg was there again this year, and I must say she is one of the nicest, sweetest people you could ever hope to meet. (She's really beautiful, too!) Jasmine Beckett-Griffith was there, also Meredith Dillman, Omar and Sheila Ryyan, Scott Gustafson... You get the picture? So if you're looking for a good activity for next May, keep Spectrum in mind. You will definitely have fun!
Annie Stegg's newest release, Moon Goddess |
Until next time, happy stitching!